
Friday, March 11, 2016

Cervical Fusion - 1 Year Post-Op

It's Kaylie's 1 year post -op on her second brain surgery/cervical fusion. What a change from a year ago! Not only the Biggest change of her health, but over the course of the year I saw an advocate come out of her. I'm not sure if I had shared this on her blog or not, but the day she finally got out of the bed, and walked down to the play room, she sat down to paint. We thought she was painting a heart.... but to our surprise she painted an awareness ribbon. 

I believe this was the day she "got it". That she understood the importance of awareness, advocating for herself, and that even though she has this condition, it doesn't define her. 
Besides the video, she would draw these ribbons elsewhere. While waiting for a teacher-parent conference, I look up at this wall of hands... and there it was. I knew that was her hand. 
Do you see it? Lower, left corner! 
There was also times through out the year, that she made references about the cognitive effect this condition has on her academically. The most recent one was when I picked her up from school and she said she had a "happy" day. I had told her that's great, you had a good day! Then she tells me how when she has a good day, she can remember things a lot better, she doesn't forget as much. And when she has a bad day, she forgets everything. 
She's learning, and for me, I can rest a little easier, knowing she will be able to advocate for herself. 
Her health is So Good right now, I really think the best it has ever been. She only got sick once this since surgery. Having less headaches, I just see a happier child, a more out-going child. 
One Year Post-Op - Once Again, Dr Rekate & Dr Insinga did a fabulous job!!