
Monday, July 27, 2015

3 Years/4 Months

Three years ago on this day we were facing Kaylie's first brain surgery. I remember those days so well. The fear, worry, crying moments, happy moments, even moments of looking at other patients thinking to myself, "I hope we never have to deal with that…" or "This is it… we are good now." Now we are 4 months out (almost 5) from her 2nd surgery.
As I look back on everything, Im still happy with our choices we have made, the doctors we have chosen to care for her, the lessons I have learned about these conditions, and others as patients or caregivers.
Kaylie starts back to school little less than a month. She is very excited to go back, and to see all her friends. And as she will continue to still heal, I will always worry a little about her at school, but I am learning to let go. She knows what she can and can't do, and I have to trust in that as she gets older.
She has been riding her bike again, roller skating in the house, being a normal child again. PT has even gone down to once, every 2 to 3 weeks. It's time to get back into a normal routine.

Wow, from the first time we met with Dr. Rekate, to the time we were meeting him again
to talk about her fusion surgery…. where has the time gone. 

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