
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Feel Better Friends

Another Chiari mom from Canada told me about this organization called Feel Better Friends. She said I should contact them, and tell them about Kaylie. They make dolls for children with chronic illnesses. The dolls are made to look just like the child, even down to little details.
The lady that contacted me from the organization, is originally from Norman, OK, and all her family still lives here! Her sister, who also lives in Norman was assigned to make Kaylie's doll. They asked favorite colors, eye color, favorite things.. etc. I told them Kaylie loves to roller skate, and she won't get to for awhile after her surgery. That she has a pet bunny named Sara, and of course told them about Kaylie. It must have been fate…. because the lady who made Kaylie's doll her name was Sara too!!!

Kaylie and "mini Kaylie"… wearing purple tutus and chiari ribbon awareness shirts! 

Kaylie and bunny Sara…. with mini Kaylie and mini Sara! LOL
The doll has a scar like Kaylies on the back of her head (thin & faint),
The doll has a birthmark on the back of her leg, just like Kay's!
We can't Thank Sara & her sister Amy from Feel Better Friends enough! She loves her doll, and her mini Sara too!!! xoxo
Visit there site above, or you can check out their Facebook page too!

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