
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Down To The Wire...

The results of Kaylie’s blood culture was negative, No infection. The clearance letter we got from the PA was:
“We recommend the following surgery precautions: None, Cleared for surgery from a cardiac standpoint. On the most recent echo in clinic on 2/2015 did have hyperechoic area at her SVC to RA junction which could represent either an old cast from an old line or possible organized clot. Have done blood culture to rule out underlying infection and were negative as is clinical exam. Per discussion with my attending physician, Dr. -------- areas should not be an issue for upcoming spinal surgery. If was a clot has no residual shunt or pathways for it to travel to left side of heart. If you have any questions or would like to discuss further please feel free to contact our office.”

Our NS wasn’t comfortable with this letter, and they & the hospital that Kaylie would not be cleared for surgery until seeing a cardiologist in NY decided it. I think this is for the best, for the simple reason a second opinion is always best. We know it’s not an “old cast” because Kaylie did not have a PICC/Central line in her last surgery. We have an appointment with the Chief of Pediatric Cardiology the day before surgery. He will be the one to look more into this, and give the clearance for surgery.
Just a small bump in the road, right?

In other news, we had our “Paint it Pretty for Kaylie” fundraiser. We want to “Thank” all that came out that night, we appreciate the support and had a lot of fun.
The girls being silly before the painting class. LOL

Chiari Sisters

 Our Flamingos are finished, and what an amazing fundraiser… Thank You to all our family, friends, and friends of friends that helped with this fundraiser…. And all the awareness it gave to Chiari Malformation & Related Conditions. You have to admit, its not everyday you see a purple flamingo!

“Thank You” for your continued support & prayers for Kaylie…. Its time to start counting down the days.

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