
Monday, February 9, 2015

Making Lists….

As we are a month out for surgery, I don’t think many people understand how much is involved when traveling for medical treatment for your child. Your travel arrangements should already be in place at this point… flying or driving. Where will one stay… I highly suggest the Ronald McDonald House organization, when traveling medically with children. This is a great, supportive organization. How will you travel once at your destination? Packing list, including a special list for while in hospital care. Your “medically needed child” is covered… but then there is this whole other list for life at home. If you have other children, will they be going with you (if they are, is it really appropriate to bring them?), or will they be staying with family or friends back home? Your other children still have an active schedule… sports, church, activities… are these things in place? Do you have a Medical Consent Form filled out & Notarized for the caring people that will be taking care of your other children while you are gone? This is a very important one! If your child needs to be taken just to your regular pediatricians office or even the ER, these places have to have Consent to even treat your child. This form is also great to let ones know what medical issues or allergies your other children have.

Then… Pets.. do you have any?? They need a place to stay or a caregiver as well.
Today I'm getting Kaylie's blood work faxed to the hospital, getting our Medical Consent forms notarized for my parents, planning out our next few weeks here at home, making packing lists…. I am a very organized person… I have to be… if I don't have these lists… I'm afraid I will forget something. 

Lots to get done…. So little time.

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