
Friday, January 23, 2015

Because not everyone is on Facebook….or maybe because they are.

The Flamingos are going great!!! We thank all the families that have been involved and continue to pass them on to support Kaylie. This has to be one of my favorite fundraisers I have done. I love hearing the stories of those homes that are flocked that have little kids. We hear they think they are chickens, or purple ducks… I even had a little boy catch us in the act of picking the flamings up. My heart just broke for the look on his face! Before we leave for NY, I'm going to surprise him with his very own, one night!
So, I had said before I was trying the whole social media outlook of things this time around. Its great in all, for the small percentage that "likes" Kay's page. But I feel like I can't write the posts I want to write on there… I feel like something holds me back. Maybe I will write on here, and occasionally link them to her page, who knows. We are down to a month in a half. This time around is different. I had a lot of fear last time, just like any normal parent would be with their child going into surgery…. but to be honest, this time is different. I have this horrible pit in my stomach. This surgery truly scares me, I can't stop thinking about all the horrible possibilities…. and I don't know why. I didn't do this last time. I was so positive last time… and I just can't seem to bring myself to that point! Maybe its the fact that this time she is having 8 screws put into her skull and cervicals, and that there is a huge artery near the placement points… or maybe its the fact I am just so tired of living in this life of my daughter having these problems. I just want her to have a break…. for good.
The whole thing sucks! I'm just having one of those days! :/

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