
Thursday, August 7, 2014


Kay had her MRI on Tuesday…. I didn't post about it, b/c I just needed time for my head to rest. We had a great nurse Courtney… really sweet girl, gave Kay a "birthday bear" since Kaylie's B-day is around the corner.
Kaylie did very well…. I am always scared what it will be like when she wakes up, with anesthesia you just never know… and since she has been under over a handful of times… I think I can say that! But, she actually did great… no angry Kay came out!! lol It didn't take too long… about 45 min or so. I did get copies of the MRI on CD… yes, I have looked at it. And it has already been mailed up to Dr. Rekate. I'm sure I will hear from him next week sometime. As for my thoughts… I'm not going to post her MRI on here, until I have talked to him. She does have great flow, and areas of the decompression do look good. There is a small area of concern of possible related conditions… but we are going to wait to hear from him, before jumping into anything.

If I could urge anything… is more awareness in the medical education system is much more needed than people know. One of the "tiresome" things I always get to experience is the questions of "Why did you go there for treatment… we have great doctors here" And my answer will always be the same… We may have great doctors here, but we wanted more experienced neurosurgeons with these conditions to treat our daughter. I wanted someone that operates 5 times a week on this condition, rather than 5 times a year (if that). When people ask this question… they really have no idea of the person they are asking it of…. it really isn't hard to understand these conditions, it just takes the time to learn them.

On another note… walk is a month & 1/2 away!! Register now at 
We currently have 144+ people Pre-registered, involving 20 Teams!!! This isn't counting a list I have running at home. This is really going to be an amazing walk…. and A LOT of Awareness!

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