
Monday, December 9, 2013

This Elfy is Behind!

Sorry for not posting the latest "Elfy" lately…. but I was too busy having fun with my family! Thursday night Elfy laid low… just hanging in the tree.
Friday morning brought us lots of snow and ice…. and a snow day from school! Ben also happened to take off Friday, Saturday,.. had Sunday off…. so we had had some fun planned for the weekend!
Mason, who is only 4 has been having trouble cleaning his room. I literally bribe him with either a bubble bath or a movie to get him to clean his room, well after two days of no cleaning… I was desperate, and since he is a "believer" this year (meaning really into the whole Santa thing)… I did this one:
It worked… with a little help of the bribe "Want to play in the snow?"
We played in the snow, came in for lunch and hot chocolate, then played some more, decided to go sledding, came home to make and decorate Christmas cookies and then had a yummy dinner of homemade chicken and noodles. Perfect Winter Day! Saturday Elfy brought us another fun day….

Elfy brought us a letter giving us another Family Fun Day, with Polar Express Tickets. We went to go see Santa at Bass Pro (Free by the way), went out to dinner and dessert. While we were gone, Elfy brought dessert… stuff to make Smores with, and Ice Cold Root Beer! The kids loved it. I got the cute printout "BELIEVE" tickets from a cute blog called The Crafting Chicks. It was a fun evening.
For those not familiar with Santa at Bass Pro… Its Awesome! Santa is there, with a cute background. They will take a photo for you, and of course offer packages to buy, but they give you a Free 4x6 photo. You are also aloud to take photos with your own camera! Bass Pro also has all these kid activities set up, games and crafts. To find out more, or find your local Bass Pro Shop visit them at here.
Sunday Elfy laid low again…. was just too tired to do anything crazy…. and then we forgot to move her last night for Monday…. Yes, the parents dropped the ball.
Tonight I will do something fun… its actually one I saw on Pinterest flipping through holiday decor… will post her after the kids go to sleep… may be awhile, its a snow day again tomorrow!
Oh… because I have gotten a lot of emails of my Elfy being repined on Pinterest…. if you are looking for those… may want to click on last December… on the right hand side. When I had posted those on Pinterest I never embedded a direct link to them on their posts on my blog. This years, I'm not pinning, or facebooking. Anyways… enjoy!

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