
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What a week!

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile... but this week was so crazy... and still is!! Again... our family and home were fine from the tornado. We were at home when the storm was coming, at one point the sirens started going off, and Ben stepped out of the garage, and could see it about 5 miles away... he called me out there... and I immediately panicked, and we put the kids and the dog in the car, and headed South of the tornado... once we were in Norman, we watched the tornado go through Moore. After it went through we went home... our house was fine... it hit about a mile away from us. Ben raced to get his uniform on, and went to work. Him and all of the officers of Moore have been working 12 hour shifts since the tornado hit. There is so much destruction, words, and even the scenes on TV cant even come close to showing what it is really like here. There is so much sadness for all the families that lost their homes, and loved ones. But, with that said... I see some of the strongest people ever. Our community is AMAZING... but I have said that before!!! And so is everyone else that has come to OK to help us, and other nearby areas. We are truly blessed with all the support that has been given to this city.

On another note, through a lot of Facebook friends, I have gotten questions about how Kaylie did through out the storm, because of the extreme pressure of the storm and what have you. She did great!! In fact not once did she complain about anything, till late that night when I had put her to bed. She had said that her head hurt, "so so so so bad" in her words... I had asked her when did it start, and she said right before she left school and came home that day. That day I had decided to pull them out of school early due to the storm coming... I gave her some meds that night, and she still had a little head pain the next day, but by the time the afternoon came around, she was doing a lot better. 
School for the year ended early.... we went last Thur to get the girl's belongings and say good bye to their teachers. Kaylie was suppose to do summer school, starting next week... but we haven't heard if they are going to still do that or not. We shall see. If they don't, I'm going to join a website called to have her do over the summer. Other than that... Abby is still in gymnastics, and the kids started swim lessons tonight! Hope everyone is well... and thanks for all the kind thoughts and prayers being sent to our great city! MOORE STRONG!!!

Monday, May 20, 2013

I know many of the readers of Kaylie's blog knows we live in Moore, Oklahoma... Please know that our family and home are ok.