
Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I think we have finally hit the start of a calmer week.... I think! Kaylie is doing "ok", it has been a extremely rough couple of days. I can't believe I would almost say this surgery was a lot harder than her brain surgery... yes, I sound crazy!! I have also come to appreciate why IVs/fluids are so important, and are taken for granted. Everyone hates them, kids scream about them to be taken out.... but they are a blessing. Kaylie vomited so much that first day and night. I think it was a mix of anesthesia, empty stomach, and pain meds that put her over edge. It was a non stop cycle of getting her to stop vomiting, getting her pain under control, and putting food in her belly.... But finally we have it down to a system!! I seriously thought I was going to have to take her to the ER yesterday, but just didn't want to go that route yet. I kind don't understand why a tonsillectomy is an outpatient procedure.... my personal opinion, was that she should have been there overnight one night... or at least till vomiting had stopped, and pain was under control. But.... who am I, right!

Anyways... I am happy to say she is doing better, and my kid is not the average tonsillectomy child who wants ice cream, popsicles, ice chips... things that are cold. She wanted warm items.... like soup, and mash potatoes. Which kind of got me wondering, and especially after talking to a few of my Chiari friends.... Kaylie usually goes for the warm things, over cold items.... hence heating pad for headaches, not a bag of peas.

On another note... this week has also taken a toll on me. I feel like I have questioned everything I do... or want to do. I don't know if I am feeling this way because of everything going on with Kay... but boy, I feel like I have been hit by a truck! I have to tell a blog friend Stacy... Thank You for the emails, and especially for listening to the email from today.... and a special Thanks to Amy for listening to all my texts!!! You are always a great support!

And one more thing.... please keep a special lady named Deb in your thoughts & prayers the next few days. Deb is 58, and is having her chiari surgery tomorrow, on Valentine's Day. I have been talking to her good friend Karen through email, that i met through this blog. Deb, please know we will be wearing Kaylie's Chiari bracelet in honor of you tomorrow, and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Hoping for an uneventful surgery and a quick & smooth recovery.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day, and enjoy a sweet treat! I saw these cute cupcake on Pinterest... and thought they were perfect for a Chiari!!!
Kay will miss her Valentine's Day party tomorrow at school...
so we will send her cards to school with her big sister Abby to give to Kay's teacher!

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