
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Chiari in Schools & IEP/504s

Lately I feel like I can't keep up with anything! I have a lists of posts that I keep adding to that I want to talk about.... but wanted to start with this one first. 

For the Jan. ASAP meeting I hosted, our discussion topic was on Chiari in Schools, and IEPs vs. 504s. I had a guest speaker, Kaylie's school special education teacher. She was great!! And gave a lot of insight on everything. I wanted to share the handouts that I gave out to the group, and my meeting notes.

I think I biggest thing to stress, is that each patient is different with Chiari, so because of that... each child that has a 504 or IEP is going to be different as well, to meet that child's needs. 
Please click on the handouts below to access them. 

Also, here is a list of Books about Chiari/Syringo.

And some other helpful links dealing with 504/IEPs:

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