
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sorry to the ones that have looked for Elfy photos... Elfy has been extremely low key in our house this week. Kaylie went to the doctor on Monday... they ran strep tests, the 5 min test was negative... but we have not gotten results on the culture. They thought she still had strep, so they put her on an antibiotic. This whole week she has been running fevers, when not on Motrin or Tylenol, she has been vomiting, very extreme headaches, and sore throats. Her throat looks horrible. She only has two more doses of antibiotics to take, and with her still being sick, we have an appointment tomorrow morning to have her rechecked out. With this all going on, I woke up this morning, with a cough that would not stop, and chest pain. I went to the doctor, where they did a breathing treatment, and chest X-ray. I have severe bronchitis. They put me on an antibiotic, cough med, and an inhaler. Ben, Abby & Mason are all fine. Hopefully Kaylie & I will be better before Christmas.

I am still doing Elfy, for the kids... just not anymore of the crazy antics I had planned. Elfy did bring flowers for Kaylie to Get Well. Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays!

Update 12/20: Ben took Kay back to the doctor today, I guess the culture came back positive for a rare form type of strep. But, can still be treated with the antibiotic that she is on.

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