
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Tiss the Season...

Wow, the Holidays keep us busy! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We did, and had a great time with Ben's brother & family. Last Sunday, another mom, that has a child with Chiari.. we decided to serve dinner to the Ronald McDonald House in Oklahoma City. This other mom also travels for her son's treatment, so she as well understands what it is like to stay at a Ronald McDonald House. Anyways, her mother joined us, along with my friend Barbara. Marco's pizza of Moore helped us by providing pizza and cheesy bread to the families. We also provided salad, fruit and dessert. The families were really Thankful, and we were honored to visit with them.

The family is doing great. We just decorated our house for Christmas. I do the Elf on the Shelf for the kids. The kids have named our elf "Elfy". To those that don't know about the Elf on the Shelf.. its a little elf that comes to our house after Thanksgiving, each night moves to a different part of the house to watch the kids. Then each night he/she reports back to Santa if the kids have been good. There is a whole book that goes along with it... super cute! Anyways... last year, our elf really stood out, and did some crazy things around the house. Once the kids found her drinking chocolate syrup in the refrigerator, she hung snow flakes from our ceiling... and other cool and crazy things. Well, Elfy has not shown up yet at our house this year...  and the girls are all in a frantic over this. Abby thinks she is sick, and Kay isn't sure why she isn't here... but every morning they look for her. Elfy is going to appear on the first.... and I have a whole list of crazy antics this elf will do while here. Last year I posted on my old blog each day. I no longer have that blog, and though this isn't Chiari related.... I still would like to share this on here. It's part of our family! So each day I will post what "Elfy" has done!
Happy Holidays!!!

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