
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Happy Birthday to My Little Boy!

Today Mason turns 3 years old! I can't believe my last baby is growing up. We celebrated a couple weekends ago with my family, just because this week was so busy for us.

As it has always been on the back of my mind, as the time gets closer, I am starting to worry more. Mason will be having a Flex/Extension MRI to help let Dr. Rekate know more about all this Basilar Invagination is. Basilar Invagination is also called Cranial Instability, Retroflexed Odontoid, and/or Basilar Impression. I am shocked at myself that I have not wrote out all my questions for Dr. Rekate on this. They are all sitting in the back of my head... and I plan to write them all down during our drive.
I really have so many thoughts running in my head, and as much as I want to share them on here, for some reason I have been holding back. I think I just want to talk to the doctor first before saying my thoughts.
Anyways... I think I will go bake my little monster a birthday cake for today!

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