
Monday, August 6, 2012

We are home!

We got home yesterday, it feels so good to be here! My mom, dad & brother were at our house with dinner, and to see Kaylie. We all hung out for a little while, then we all crashed. I was so tired, I went to bed at 9pm! Kaylie is glad to be home.... I'm a little nervous, because I feel like I have to watch her extra, extra carefully now too, especially around her brother!

So now what??? Well, Kaylie can not return to school till 6 weeks post-op. We see our pediatrician on Thur., just to check in with her. Kaylie has a swollen lymph node on the left side of her neck... but Dr Rekate isn't worried about it... they think its just due to all the trauma her head and neck have been through. And I have heard other moms, say their child had one too, for a while. We are still waiting for the steri strips to come off on their own... we have been washing her hair... so they are slowly starting to curl up, and soon will be coming off. Dr. Rekate like to touch base with his patients either in office or by Skype, 3 months post-op. Since he wants to see Mason, and Mason get the other MRI there, we will be driving out to Ben's family in PA in about 3 months. We can stay with them... and then take a day or two if needed and go into NY, from PA. Its only about a 2.5 hour drive.

Today, we are going to unpack, laundry, I need to go to the grocery store, we have to pick up Ben's car at the department, and pick up our doggies!

I wanted to Thank everyone again for all the prayers, kind words, love and support you have given us. I truly believe it has helped Kaylie in her surgery time, and her recovery time. The power of it is amazing when so many people come together.

I also have to say Thank you to Moore Police Department, for watching over our house!!! The guys my husband works with, and their families are our 2nd family. It's a unique bond we all have together.

I will continue this blog during Kaylie's recovery, and of course the start of Mason's journey. Next we have the Conquer Chiari walk in Tulsa....if you would like to run or walk with Kaylie, or sponsor her... contact me, and I can get you the info on that. You can also click on the walk picture, at the top, right side of this blog... and it will take you to that area.

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