
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Kaylie!!!

Today my sweet baby girl is 6 years old! Tomorrow she will be 3 weeks post op, and she looks great!!!  So, before we ever went to NY for Kaylie's surgery, I was originally planning a birthday party for Kaylie to be held this coming weekend. Something where people could come and go, see how she is doing. Even a few party vendors were wanting to donate their time and services for Kaylie's party. BUT.... when we got back, and that Monday she spiked the fever... I told Ben, I couldn't and didn't want to do it. Besides at that time I didn't know what was going on with her... i just didn't want anyone around her, or a bunch of kids... that may accidentally bump into her head. So we decided no party this year. Instead, my family and us got together last night, had dinner out, and came back to our house for cake. It was the best! So low key....but still celebrating 6 beautiful years of my daughter, and many more to come!!!

Today, was the first day of school for Abby. Ben and I have a tradition, every year on the first day of school we take whoever is at home to the zoo. So today Kay & Mason went to the zoo. We only spent a few hours, till Kay was tired, then came home. It was a perfect day!!

On another note.... we are almost just a month away from The Conquer Chiari Walk Across America!!!
Our family will be participating in the Conquer Chiari Walk Across America on Sept. 22nd, in Tulsa, Ok. You can click here, to join the walk or 5K run. Our team is "Hanging With Kaylie". Or if you would just like to sponsor a walker or runner you can there, or sponsor Kaylie hereon her team page. By sponsoring a walker/runner you are helping fund research for Chiari, and hopefully a cure will be found one day. Thank You for all your support!

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