
Friday, July 27, 2012

Still no word...

Still no word, so it's time to start writing, to get my mind off things. I can't say enough good things about the Ronald McDonald house of Long Island!! They are truly a great organization, and this chapter is amazing. They really try to provide everything possible for you. If you forget something, they have it!! We had bought laundry detergent before I found out that they provided it too, its in the office, you just have to ask. That's Ok, I will just donate ours to them, before we go home. The dinners donated from different groups have been great. They have wiis, and other video equipment for your child to borrow in a room... you can check out DVDs for your room... each room has a player. We were given tickets to How to Train A Dragon Live Show, for Aug 4th... if Kaylie is feeling up to going. They are giving parents messages on Wed, to help relieve the stress and tension of things. It truly is a giving organization, for so many families that need to travel.

On another note, we are sitting in the waiting room, which is divided into 4 areas. In each area there is about 14 seats. There is another family in our area, waiting for their father/husband to come out of surgery. He has prostate cancer. They asked about our T-shirts, and I told them all about Kaylie and Chiari... gave them some of her bracelets. They are wearing them now. Such a loving family, and have helped a lot lighten the mood. Sometimes, one just needs a good laugh! I didn't get their names, but when they look at Kaylie's blog... I wanted them to know we truly appreciate their company, and we are praying for a smooth recovery for their husband/father/father-in-law. May God bless him and your family lots of wellness!

Like I said, still no word... I'm sure the main surgery has already been started. I will let everyone know an up date, when I hear something.

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