
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Pre-op Day

Today was Kaylie's Pre-op day. We had to be there at 9am. Basically it was an appointment to do paperwork, check Kaylie's vitals, and do blood work. Then a child-life specialist, Elisa, showed us around the hospital, and where Kaylie will be recovering. We visited the Children's Playroom, where they showed us Chiari Dolly, and how she has IVs, and monitors on her to help her get better. Kaylie was shown pictures on an iPad of what Dr Rekate will be wearing, what the OR room looks like..., then she got to play with the gas mask, and a cath. that they will use. I think this helped a lot, because she isn't nervous at all tonight, and was wanting to look and touch those items. There are two child-life specialist that will be with us during our stay. Elisa, who showed us around today, and then Monday Jessa will be there. Jessa is the one that called our house before we left. North Shore University Hospital is NOT a Children's Hospital, BUT they have a terrific pediatric floor. We got to meet some of the nurses that were on the pediatric floor. The Child-Life Specialist Group have activities set up for the kids that are recovering there. Today a lady named Donna came, to let some of the patients plant plants. Kaylie planted one with her, and we spent some time talking to her. She comes to the hospital twice a month to do this. I thought it was really neat. Amazing Hospital!!!!
Children's Playroom
Chiari Dolly

Donna helping Kay
plant a plant.

After our appointment, we went and got some lunch, then decided to enjoy NYC for the day, since the rest of the time here will be relaxing, resting and recovering. We took the Long Island Rail Train into NYC. There we took subways around to different areas. We walked around, looked at stores, went to see the One World Trade Center, previously known as the Freedom Tower, and went by St. Patrcik's Cathedral to light a candle for Kaylie. While we were there I spoke to one of the resident Priest there, and he did a special blessing over Kaylie. He also said they would pray for her at the 7:30am Mass. It was very important to me, to do this today.
On the Train
Time Square

On the Subway
Hello Kitty (???) lol

St. Patrick's Cathedral

One World Trade Center

Then we got back to the RMH around 6:30 for dinner and a relaxing evening. Kaylie had to take a special bath/shower. Dr Rekate wanted her to wash her body and head/hair in Chlorexidine Gluconate soap. They said this helps reduce the chances of infection after head and neck surgery. She was to wash with it, then let it sit for 2 minutes before rinsing it off. As my family & friends would know.... I had the timer out. This is considered a very important step for them, with special instructions, and you better believe I was going to go by the book on this one!!! We had a quick snack, and pretty much calling it a night. She can't have anything after 11pm.
Tomorrow we have to be at the hospital at 6:30am EST, surgery is scheduled for 8:30am. I will try to post as many up dates as possible.
Thank you for all the support and prayers.... tomorrow is a big day. Before I go, I would like to let everyone know I added a new section onto the blog, called "Chiari Stories".... the voices of others!

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