
Monday, July 30, 2012

Post-Op Night 3

What a great night!!! After writing yesterday's post, I went back to RMH to get some dinner, and make Ben a plate for when he gets back. While I was there, I got to meet Julianna, one of the moms from some groups I belong to. Her son is having Tether Cord surgery on Tuesday. He also has Chiari too. But, we had dinner together, talked some. It was great! When I went back to the hospital, Kaylie had walked to the playroom again to do some more sand art, took her medicine, and walked to the pantry to get a couple cookies. (The pantry is a little room behind the nurses desks, that we can help ourselves to, it has a water & ice machine, cookies, and a fridge with sodas.) She came back to her room and ate a 1/2 an oreo, and a little bite of another cookie. She did not eat her dinner tray.
Then by 8pm, Ben had left, she was due for 3 of her meds, which she took them, and ate some chocolate pudding.... choc. pudding is are "take away the taste treat". She then wanted to walk to the playroom to pick out a DVD, so we did... and she stayed up till midnight watching movies. Then had more medicine, and chocolate pudding, and went to bed. This is the best part.... We Slept The Whole Night.... at least till 6am!!!! We got her up to take her medicine, check vitals, use the bathroom, and we chatted with the shift change neuro. Which he said, they are going to try to schedule her for an MRI sometime today... we should know what time about 9/10am (when the scheduler come in). He also asked has she been fitted for a neck brace yet... I said no, and he said someone would come in to do that. So.... I don't know if that's a sign that we may get released this evening, or tomorrow. I'm sure Dr Rekate will let us know when he comes in! But she is doing A Lot better!!! And back to sleep now! :)

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