
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Post-Op Night 2

Not much to talk about, a lot better night than last night!!! She was sick a couple times, then about 3am she woke up, was kneeling on her bed, yelling at me to wake up, she has to use the bathroom. So we get her up, to go. Then she got more meds... then went back to sleep for like 15 min, woke up saying she was thirsty... I gave her a little sprite, and she got sick again. That was the last time she got sick... Shifts just changed, and a neuro doc came in... said her incision is looking good, checked her neuro vitals... and that was about it. They eventually want to get her on oral meds... no more IV meds. So I think we are going to do another rounds of morphine... then try to go to oral codeine. That's about it... will give another up date, later in the afternoon.

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