
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Post-Op Day 2

The morning started off good, I went back to the RMH for a couple hours, and Ben was here with here. She didn't eat breakfast this morning. She did walk to the nurses desk this morning, which is about 10 feet away from her room. When I got back around 11am... that's when thing went down hill. She started to have some pain. She was looking really stiff. I tried to see if she wanted anything to eat or drink.. she had a little apple juice. Around that same time, she had her first visitors! Her Uncle Ray & Aunt Carol... they are from the Philly area. It was time for her meds... and she needed to take them orally, so it was a little bit of a battle, but she got them. I then got her to sit up in a chair for awhile, take some more apple juice and water. Lunch tray came... wasn't interested, but she did take one small bite of ice cream, and a very small piece of mozz. cheese stick (the size of my pinky nail). Then after sitting for about 10 to 15 minutes, she wanted back in bed. She was tired, but we got her back up to weigh her, and to take out the rest of her IVs (so now she only has the BP, pulse ox, and electrodes on for her heart). Then we decided to walk to the play room... and she did... Wonderfully!!! We hung out in there for a while, looked at the fish, did some sand art, marker art, and visited with Ben's brother and sister-in-law. We were probably in there for about thirty minutes, and its about 25 to 30 feet away from her room. She is still considered as a PICU patient, in the same room, and suppose to have an MRI tomorrow. As of now she is sleeping really well, and hasn't vomited since 3am!!!! Let's Go Kaylie!!! I am so proud of my little peanut (as Ben would say)... she has been such a trooper!!

We wanted to Thank her Aunt & Uncle for coming to visit her today, and for the Pluto & card!!! XOXO


  1. WOW!!! She is doing SOOOO well and looks fantastic. I'm so glad. :) Hang in there guys!

  2. You look beautiful Kaylie!! <3
