
Friday, July 27, 2012

Only one of us could take her back to the OR room, and Ben took her back, I was a little upset, and didn't want her to see me upset. He got to stay with her till they put her under. She was given a medicine to calm nerves, so she was a little loopy, but in very good spirits. Before she went back to the OR, she was smiling, and Ben said she wasn't scared at all. Ben & I are wearing our "Team Kaylie" shirts!!!!


  1. We are praying for this precious girl you guys have. Makes me tear up thinking about you guys and the worry you must have, but keep Faith in God and know she will be ok. Much love and many prayers. The Deans

  2. I'm saying prayers for your sweet little girl. My daughter has Rhombencepholosynapsis and the chairi malformation is very common with this. We have a support group through Facebook with several children that have chairi malformations if you are interested in speaking with parents to get more info or just to feel like you aren't alone please let me know. Hope all goes well today and I'm praying for you all.
