
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

First Night On Our Own

We made it!!! The first night on our own!! After we got released yesterday, we went straight to CVS to get her meds... well, they didn't carry her meds in liquid, so I told them to find a Pharmacy that does... I don't care who it is, I needed to get these tonight. So he called around, to several pharmacies.. and not just CVS... finally found them at "Vitality Drug & Surgical". It was 7:30pm, and I was told they closed at 8pm... so we got over there, and I got her meds! Really neat store... sold all these hospital supplies too. Just incase anyone needs their info... especially any kids having surgery done by TCI, here is their info: 257-07 Union Tpke., Glen Oaks, NY 11004..... 718-343-0070. There is a pharmacy in NS Hospital, but they were closed time we were released. Anyways, we asked Kaylie what she wanted for dinner, because she hadn't ate her dinner tray before we left. She said, "Happy Meal"... so luckily there was a McDonald's next to the drug store. We took everything back to RMH, had dinner, and got her next doses of meds. She drank 1/2 her chocolate milk, a few fries, and 1 1/2 chicken nuggets. I know its not much.... but its a lot more than what she has been eating! Then we went up to our room and watched TV and went to bed. We all woke up around 8pm... I know its early, but that was sleeping in for us! Her neck was a little stiff feeling when she woke up, that because we slept in a little, and her missed her does at 6am. But we all slept good, and got her, her meds. I told Ben, that we need to make sure, that we get up at the right time... so we can avoid all that. Ben and I got cleaned up, and we went downstairs for breakfast. Another family was down there, and saw Kay (which I feel we will be getting a lot of looks, due to her head)... but the grandmother was making pancakes, and made some for us. Very sweet! I told Ben that I want to make some cupcakes later this week for the house. after breakfast we went by the play room, then came back upstairs to watch some TV. Ben's dad & wife is coming to visit, along with his Aunt Harriet, and cousin Tom... they will be here near soon.
I am so proud of how well she is doing!

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