
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

An Amazing Night!


Us getting ready to head out to

Last night was truly an amazing night!!! It was a night filled with so many emotions. The night was a huge success... besides having so much support from all our family & friends, our community came together as one to support my daughter, and spread the awareness of Chiari 1 Malformation. I am so proud of where we live, and the caring nature of people around us. I belong to several support groups, two of them being Oklahoma based. I talk and listen to all these chiarians online, but several of them came out to support Kaylie, and was the first time I got to meet them. I was overwhelmed with emotion, because they know exactly what Kaylie is going through, and some as parents know what we are going through. I was able to talk to many of them, unfortunately not long enough... I could probably spend hours with each one of them... and one day we will. I wasn't able to get pictures of everyone, but here are a few of Kaylie & her new Chiarian friends.

Kaylie & Carter
Carter was diagnosed with
Chiari when he was 2, had
surgery March 2010
Kaylie & Mackie
Mackie was diagnosed with
Chiari when she was 5,
had surgery the same year.

Amy & Kaylie
Amy was diagnosed with
Chiari & Syringomyelia in
July 2009, surgery that same year

We can't "Thank" everyone enough for coming out and supporting Kaylie! I have to give special "Thanks" to Chick-fil-A of Moore, for hosting the event. Their team did an outstanding job!! It was so crowded, lines were long, and people parking in the grass areas.... but they handled it so well, and everyone was so patient with getting their food! We also have to "Thank" Moore Police Department for bringing awesome vehicles, their K-9 Unit, and some huge blow up, walking around mascot (which I wasn't able to get photos of!). Also to all the officers that work with my husband, thank you for coming out... even some of you made sure to stop by while working the roads! The Moore Fire Department was out, with their awesome trucks, letting the kids climb on them, and see what it's like to be a firefighter! Oklahoma City Police Department came out to support, a few of the officers donated their time and services with a bounce house and live DJ music. Needless to say the kids had a great time bouncing & rocking out!!!
I need to say: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.... to some great friends, that were my team helpers last night. They helped by selling Kaylie's awareness bracelets, refilling drinks, cleaning tables, and making sure everything worked well last night! Thank You.... Elizabeth, Jamie, Alicia, Elizabeth (my soon to be AWESOME sister-in-law), my brother Daniel... and my parents (who have supported me & my family through everything, and especially last night watching my kids, and making sure they got to play and have a good time!)
BUT, my BIGGEST "Thanks" goes out to all the people that donated to Kaylie, and came to have a meal at Chick-fil-A..... we are so blessed with so much support! 
Sorry, for such a long post, and lots of pictures... but it was a BIG night! 
Thank You!!!










 And one last thing.... Thank You to everyone that has been collecting tabs off cans to support The Ronald McDonald House Charities. Last night alone, we collected 2.5 pounds of tabs!!!! That is a medium size gift bag full!! We have another gift bag already with about the same amount.... so that means we have probably collected over 5 pounds of tabs! That's Amazing!!! And if you have tabs, that you haven't given me yet... no worries, just need to collect them by the 22nd, because on Monday we will be visiting our local chapter in OKC, to give them half of them!!

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