
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

One Month from Today

One month from today, will be July 27th. At this very moment, in one month.... I will be holding a stuff cow, thinking of my baby girl in surgery. I will be watching the clock... as seconds turn into minutes, and as minutes turn into hours. I will be watching a set of doors, waiting for the slightest movement of them, in hopes of seeing a nurse or doctor come through them to give me an update. I will be crying on my husband's shoulder, in fear of the worst, but hoping for the best. One month from today, Kaylie will have the surgery that in hopes, changes her life. Last night I realized what today was. My heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach. And all I could think is that it is now down to counting days.

Yesterday I came across an amazing article off a post on Face Book that was being shared around.
The organization, Conquer Chiari, is the same organization that is holding the walk/run, September 22nd in Tulsa, Ok. As soon as Abby & Mason's MRIs are done on July 9th, I will be starting a team for this walk/run to help raise money for this research group.
On another note... lots of fundraisers going on! Important dates to keep in mind. July 4th will be the raffle drawing for the Bob Stoops signed football & jersey. Again you can purchase tickets for $2 each or 6 tickets for $10. If you would like to purchase tickets, Please contact Cynthia Orange, with the Moore Police Department at or call 405-793-5138

****And last but not least.... JULY 17th!!!! Come out to Chick-fil-A in Moore between the hours of 6-8pm, and support Kaylie!!! We are still collecting the soda can tabs for the Ronald McDonald House Charities. If you would like to bring your collection to Ben or I the night at the Chick-fil-A event, that would be great. If not... we will need to pick up all collections by July 22nd.***
Thank You again for everyone's support, we couldn't do it without you!!! We truly appreciate it!!! XOXO

1 comment:

  1. Lisa Beshay-PackardJune 27, 2012 at 10:48 PM

    You, Kaylie, and your entire family will be in my thoughts on that day...and between now and then too. :0) I have complete faith that everything will turn out just fine. Hang in there, mama. Waiting is always the hardest part.
