
Monday, May 21, 2012


Yesterday Kaylie had a photo shoot with two amazing photographers, to help as a fundraiser for her. Angela Eichor with New Hope Studios and Jayceette Boger with JBoger Photography could not have done it any better! They were so kind, patient, and fun with her. The photo shoot was four and a half hours, and she did so well! As I stood back and watched them with her, I started to think back of all the milestones in Kaylie’s life. When she was born, her 1st birthday, and her first day of school. I watched as she posed, smiled, jumped… and just had a good time, and thought to myself she has become such a big girl. I thought to myself what has all gone on in this past month and a half, and how hard this summer will be for her.
But today is a happy day! Today my baby girl reaches another milestone of life. She graduated from kindergarten today. I am so proud of her achievements this year, and how she has handled herself during all the tough times too. Kaylie you are one in a million… and your mom and dad love you so much!!!

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