
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Best Day Ever!!

Last Thur., Kaylie had an accident at school. That drew the line with me and "Topamax". Monday came around... she woke up at 6am, crying about a headache, and wanting to take a warm bath... so she did. I thought she was doing better after the bath, so she got ready to go to school and went. Ben called me has he is driving to school saying Kaylie was crying again... because her head hurt... so I told him to bring her home.. asked her if she wanted medicine, and to try to go to school. She said yes, so I gave her Naproxen... and sent her on her way. Later I had found out she cried during her Rise & Shine (by the way she was student of the month) at school... but I think the medicine was still trying to kick in... because then her teacher said she was doing fine. Also Monday morning I was on the phone all day... I had called the makers of Topamax, and the generic company... because she is on the generic for Topamax... asking them some questions. I found out that the generic one does cause incontinence. So I think all her accidents and bed wetting is from that! I called her neurologist, telling them I want her taken off Topamax and they had finally called me back around 4pm... The nurse said that the doctor said I had said (I know.. 3rd party crap!) Kay was already having accidents... I told her Yes, here and there... maybe once every month or two months... But NOT every night, and during the day!!! So then she tells me she would have to get back with me. And didn't. I also tried calling the neurosurgeons up north to get in sooner... never heard from them yesterday either. But Today... was the Best Day Ever!!! First thing this morning... her neurologist's nurse called, took her off Topamax!!! They want to see us on the 22nd, to talk about other medications. hmmm. Then we got into TCI sooner!!! We will be going in June. I am so happy!! Now just waiting for her MRIs to be done! I keep calling them too... to see if we can move it up any, still stuck on the 29th. Her full spinal & Cine MRI will take 4 to 5 hours ... that the time she will be sedated, so they don't have a time slot for that amount of time any earlier. But, OU Children's Radiology Department is so nice!! They tell me to keep calling back... because you never know!!
Today was kind of a rough morning too... she didn't want to go to school, her head and ear hurt all day... she is a trooper!

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