
Monday, April 23, 2012

The results are in!

Both tests… the Mono & Strep tests were both Negative. They think she had a really bad virus, and probably while she was sick her chiari symptoms were just enhanced some because of the virus. A little disappointed, I guess I was hoping there was this glimmer of hope that her symptoms were coming from something else. Deep down I knew the tests would be negative, but that’s OK, we are going to just move forward.
            She went back to school today. Her class had an assignment as a family project, to put together photos of her favorite memories, “firsts”, or the first 5 years of life…. We decided to do “Kaylie’s First 5 Years”. While she was under the weather last week, we worked on picking out photos and decorations for it. They then had to link/connect all these photos together in some way. We decided to make a big purple chiari ribbon to put them all on. It came out pretty cute and she turned it in today.

We have had a lot of people inquire about making donations to Kaylie. An account was opened for her.
Donations can be sent to:

Att: Stefanie Stromski
600 NW 5th Street
Moore, Ok. 73160

Stefanie Stromski is the wife of a fellow police officer that Ben works with. She is also the Loan Administration Supervisor at BancFirst. We were told any donations sent to BancFirst, to be attention to Stefanie Stromski, noting that it is for Kaylie Barnes Benefit account. “Thank you” to all the employees at BancFirst.

While I am saying “Thank You”… a very special one has to go out to all the ladies that work at The Cutest Blog on the Block, for creating the design aspect of this blog. I thought I was pretty creative, but my goodness, they have really out done themselves, especially Becky! If you are looking to start blogging, or even open a small business website… they are the ladies to check out! You can visit their sites here or here!

One last note, we want all our friends and family NOT to feel like you can’t talk to us. You can! If you have a question…. Ask! We just don’t want anyone to feel they can’t talk to us about Kaylie, or Kaylie’s condition, in fear it will upset us. We want to talk about it. We want the awareness of Chiara to be out there. Again, we really appreciate everyone’s support! XOXO

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to stop by and say I think Kay's family project turned out great!! We haven't even started ours yet. Good job Kay!!! :)
